SPRanked 2022

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SpyParty Ranked is a third party ranked system created by OpiWrites. It is used to automatically report results to the ranked database and update ratings in real time. The top rated player in Ranked that has not already earned qualification into SMC 2022 at the end of the Ranked season earns a spot in the Challengers Division. The SPRanked leaderboard is available live here.

To be eligible for SMC qualification via Ranked rating, a player must have attended 5 complete SMC Swiss Events across the entire season. This correlates to approximately 1/5th of the amount of Swiss events planned. Additionally, SMC Swiss events are MRP eligible, and have a weight of 2.

How to Use

To use Ranked, both players participating in the match must download and run the Ranked program, available here. The currently recommended version is 2.5. On running the program, a console will open, checking and displaying the program's current status every few seconds.

After entering a match, but before playing the first game, the participants must flag the set as Ranked by typing RANKEDON (or SWISSRANKEDON, if playing in a Master Ranked Swiss 2022 event) in the chat. This flags the next 12 games (or 8 games, if in a Swiss event) played between them as a single Ranked set, and the console will tell you that Ranked is ready. Once the set is complete, when you Alt+Tab to the program, it scans the log file from your current SpyParty session, finds the relevant games, and automatically reports the score. Once both players have sent their side of the match, it will be used to update the ratings.

If there is a disconnect in the middle of the match that does not close SpyParty, upon re-entering the match, both participants must type RANKEDRESUME (or SWISSRANKEDRESUME, if in a Swiss event). It will pick up the set where it was left off on the disconnect.

Additionally, as disconnects often happen in the middle of a game rather than cleanly between games, RANKEDUNDO (or SWISSRANKEDUNDO, if in a Swiss event) can be used to remove the most recent game played from the game list. This is useful for any game that does not get concluded in the expected way, whether that is due to a disconnect, cancelling out of the game or due to lag or a game bug. Please use it directly after the affected game. Both players will need to do this.

If both RANKEDRESUME and RANKEDUNDO need to be used in sequence, do RANKEDRESUME first.


If Ranked fails to update ratings after a match, the steps below are available to troubleshoot the program.

  1. Run the program again on the same log file. If you get a bunch of different printouts ending with a summary of the match, your side has been successful. To run it on the correct log file, the log file from the run of the game where the ranked set was played must be the most recent log file in the folder. If there are logs that are newer than this, remove them. Additionally, you may need to delete the "read_files" txt file that's found in your Ranked folder.
  2. Ensure that the program is actually running. Some antiviruses don't like unsigned executables, and may shut down ranked immediately on start.
  3. Make sure your opponent has submitted their side of the set. The set will not show up unless both players flag it with the RANKEDON or SWISSRANKEDON keywords and subsequently successfully run ranked on that log file.

If you forgot to type RANKEDON or SWISSRANKEDON:

  1. Unzip the relevant log file to a ".txt" file
  2. Open it in a text editor of your choice.
  3. Find the section of the log AFTER you connect to your opponent, but BEFORE you play any games
  4. Anywhere in this section, add this line: LobbyClient sending chat message: RANKEDON (Replace RANKEDON with SWISSRANKEDON if match was a Swiss match.)
  5. Close the log file, then rezip it as a .gz file. (Winrar and Winzip can unzip .gz files, but cannot create them. You will need 7-Zip or another program of your choice that can create .gz files.)
  6. Put the edited log file into your SpyParty log folder, then run Ranked. It should correctly find your match.